Mavic Mini FAQ - Australian Edition

The Mavic Mini was launched in 2019 where DJI showed the world they could create an ultra-light drone with little to no compromises. The Mavic Mini was a massive hit around the world especially around the Christmas period. With the success of the Mini, it also raised a few questions from current and future buyers. We have complied a list of the most common questions we get in-store and we hope the can answer a few of your burning questions.
Will the Mavic Mini replace my Spark/Mavic Air?
Each DJI product has it's own unique set of features with their pros and cons. The Spark is still one of the best minidrones on the market for beginners especially for those who have never flown a drone before. The Spark does have obstacle sensing on the front but does have a flight limit of only 16 minutes compared to the Mavic Mini which has a flight time of 30 minutes. The Mavic Air is another drone that is relatively similar, however the Mavic Air is more advanced compared to the Mini and the Spark. The Mavic Air utilises both the front and rear obstacle sensing to fly in a near autonomous mode and also allows obstacle avoidance in tracking. The Mavic Air also introduces 4K video which for some people is very important. The Mini is just a step down from 4K video at 2.7K. This is still another step up compared to the Spark which can only shoot at a maximum FULL HD.
In simple terms, No. The Mavic Mini will not replace your Spark and Mavic Air. It is, however, a more compelling package over the Spark.
Which drone is better for me? The Mavic Mini or the Mavic Air?
There are a few things you have to ask yourself first which will funnel you to the right drone.
Do you currently shoot RAW photos? Do you want to shoot RAW? Do you want to shoot Auto like on your Mobile phone?
- If you answered, yes, yes and no. The Mavic Air is the choice for you. This is because the Mavic Air can shoot RAW (.DNG) files compared to the Mavic Mini which can only shoot JPG files.
- If you answered, no, no and yes. The Mavic Mini is the perfect choice for you. It will shoot incredible photos on Auto in JPG format, which is perfect for sharing on Facebook and Instagram.
If photography is not a prime use for you, it is then better to ask if you will shoot 4K video and want to use Active Track?
If you want to shoot in 4K video and also utilise the ActiveTrack, The Mavic Air is also the choice for you as the drone can automatically follow an object whereas the Mini is not capable.
If you don't care what resolution you shoot in and just want to have loads of fun flying the drone around, the Mavic Mini is a better option for you. It is cheaper and it offers a longer flight time so you can enjoy the fun of flying the drone around. The battery will last 50% longer than the Mavic Air, which is an seriously impressive flight time for such a small drone!
Is the Mavic Mini excluded from certain drone rules and regulations?
Unfortunately as the Mavic Mini is above the 100g mark, all CASA regulations apply to this drone. At this current time, 27/02/2020, there is no drone registration in Australia so the 249 grams isn't as big of a deal here as it is overseas. However, this does mean that if you are travelling into other countries it can be easier as some countries require you to register the drone and the Mini falls underneath the weight restriction.
How high can the Mavic Mini fly?
By default, the Mavic Mini can fly up to an impressive height of 120m. This is also the maximum flight altitude in Australia (accurate as of 27/02/2020). The height altitude can be increased to 500m in the settings app, however this is not recommended at all. It is always important to check the countries rules and regulations before you fly.
Does the Mavic Mini really have a 30 minute flight time?
Yes! The Mavic Mini sure does have a really long flight time of around 30 minutes, which is honestly nuts! This flight time is achieved when the drone is flown at a constant speed of 14 km/h in calm weather. There have been several tests as well where the drone has latest around 28.5 minutes hovering in the one spot, where hovering uses more battery than flying in a straight line. The Mavic Mini has a hefty 2400 mAh Li-Po intelligent flight battery which helps the drone fly longer than other drones using similiar batteries!
What is the wind resistance of the Mavic Mini?
Mavic Mini may be a small and ultra-light drone but it handles windy weather with a stability of 8 m/s (level 4 winds). This will vary depending on the mode the drone is in.
Does the Mavic Mini have a vision system?
Right at the bottom of the Mavic Mini there is a downwards facing vision system that allows the drone to have precise hovering, landing and flight stabilisation. These sensors can detect obstacles below the drone very easily with the use of the 3D infrared sensors and the little optical sensor. The Mavic Mini does not have obstacle avoidance sensors on the front, back and side. However, the Fly More Combo does come with propeller guards which can help give the drone all-around protection!
What video transmission technology does Mavic Mini use?
The Mavic Mini uses DJI's enchanced Wi-Fi transmission technology that gives the user stable visual contact with the drone. The range of the drone is dependent on where you are, however in Australia the transmission power is of the SRRC variant, meaning you will expect up to 2.5km transmission range.
Can I use the Mavic Mini battery with other Mavic Products?
Unfortunately the Mavic Mini battery is to be only used with the Mavic Mini drone and the Mavic Mini accessories (being the 2 in 1 charging hub). It is important to understand that the battery must never be opened to create a "hot-wire" solution as this will affect the battery and it's life.
Does Mavic Mini have Pano, Timelapse or Zoom features?
Unfortunately at this current time, the Mavic Mini only supports single shot and timed photo modes. You can create your own Pano's through light-room and photoshop.
Is there is ActiveTrack and any other intelligent flight modes?
The Mavic MIni only supports four quickshot modes as of now. They are Rocket, Dronie, Circle and Helix. Currently ActiveTrack is not available for the Mavic Mini.
What is the image quality of the Mavic Mini?
The Mavic MIni has a 1/2.3-inch 12MP sensor that is capable of shooting 2.7K quad HD videos. The Mavic Mini's camera packs plenty of power for new users who are still looking to create stunning content!
Can the Mavic Mini shoot in RAW video? Can I adjust the exposure manually?
The Mavic Mini ONLY supports JPEG format. The auto mode is the only exposure mode for video recording but you can toggle between auto and manual modes when taking photos to help you with tasks such as capturing better low light shots.
The Max flight speed of the Mavic Mini?
The Mavic Mini has a maximum flight speed of 13 m/s in sport mode and the other modes have a slower max flight speed. Please take caution when flying in sport mode as the drone is very fast! We only recommend using sport mode when you are comfortable.
Does DJI Fly work on other drones?
At this current time, DJI FLY only works on the Mavic Mini. There are plans for future products to be compatible with the DJI FLY application.
Do the DJI goggles work with the Mavic Mini?
The goggles are still based off the DJI GO 4 application and are not compatible with DJI Fly.