Introducing Freewell Osmo Pocket Wide Angle Lens

The Freewell OSMO Pocket Wide Angle Lens is a unique and creative filter for the OSMO Pocket. Instead of cutting down light or UV, this filter expands the field of view without a lot of distortion.
The main difference between this filter and the other wide angle filters is distortion and sharpness. Cheaper filters tends to distort the image more where poles are no longer straight with corners being blurred. It is important to maintain sharpness in an image otherwise it turns into an unwanted blurry mess.
With the sample images down below, we can see how the distortion is very minimal in the photos (these are RAW files from the pocket that have NOT been edited). We can however, see vignetting around the corners which fortunately can be eliminated in post using applications such as Light-room and Photoshop.
The Filter transforms the equivalent focal length of 26 mm down to 18 mm whilst widening the FOV.
We highly recommend picking this filter up if you plan to take photos/videos in tight spaces as well as vlogging and wide landscape photos.
The above photo is of the D1 Store in Brunswick. The photo on the left is with the filter with the photo on the right being without the filter. It is a little hard to see, but on the silver car, Holden commodore, we can start to some softness appearing due to the distortion. We can see the light pole have minimal distortion and the building has no strange curves developing. We can see how this filter is well made compared to others.
From the above shot here, we can see how the wide angle lens adds that extra Field of View where you see more of the shadow and the house on the right which is NOT visible on the photo without the filter. The colour balance as well is very consistent with little discoloration and chromatic aberration. If you are having a picnic or travelling in a dense area, this is definitely a must have filter.
The final photo attached here shows how the difference in focal length from 26 mm on the right and 18 mm on the left. You can see far less of distant objects and is filled with more foreground (the grass as well as the sky). Lens flares are something to note when taking photos during the day with this lens as there is an increased probability of them showing up.