Indoor Filming Ideas for the Osmo Action (Ft. Mark.Art.Now)

The Osmo Action is often regarded as the ultimate film-making tool that empowers creators to push the boundaries of creativity. In this blog, we will take you through a range of different osmo Action tips that were inspired by Josh Yeo, the founder of Mark.Art.Now. From the different and unique shot angles to immersive cinematography, we're breaking the traditional rules of film-making with a goal of creating new, interesting content!
The action places you right into the action giving you the whole world of immersive cinematography in your hands. With it's portability and durability, the Osmo Action can film from special angles, inside objects and more unique positions that can't be done with a standard normal camera. These places can be from your coffee cup to your eggs! The only limit to these places is your imagination! Read on to learn more!
Get creative with household objects!
Use the Action to add an interesting perspective to your content by placing it inside of different household objects and perhaps make a short film of you cooking! eating! mucking around! or perhaps become to the new how to basic. Here are a few ideas.
Coffee Cup
What could be better than a cup of coffee? Nothing.
However, you can get creative with the cup by placing the Osmo Action face up inside a coffee cup to get an interesting shot!
There is no secret box of chamber when it comes to creative film-making. The key to creating magic is finding a mundane object and turning it into something interesting. A nice trick is to place your Osmo Action inside the box and for you, or someone else, to open it up. You can include something disgusting in the box to try and get their reaction! Perhaps you could try and surprise someone with a gift and use the Osmo Action to capture their surprise! The possibilities are endless!
The refrigerator shot has been replicated time after time by many different film-makers, yet it is so effective when it comes to story telling. You can try spice it up by placing it ontop of different food products, behind a drink or inside a bowl of salad!
Kitchen Drawers
When one drawer closes, another opens. Shooting with Osmo Action instead of a regular camera gives you plenty of options for creating dynamic transition shots in tight spaces. Follow the movement when you open a drawer to add a cinematic shot to your indoor film. Flip the Action to it faces you and pick it up as if you were picking up an utensil of some-sorts.
Kitchen Stove
Let’s turn up the heat with our next creative idea. Place Osmo Action on your kitchen stove and slide a frying pan or saucepan over it for an immersive shot. Change it up by having the gas on (be careful not to burn your action)
Top-shelf content is always within reach with Osmo Action. Place your Osmo Action in different places around your home to develop new perspectives in your footage.
F rying Pan
To add some flair to your storytelling narrative, place Osmo Action inside a cold frying pan and pretend to cook.
Indoor Props
Have a look around you and use different objects and props in your footage to create unorthodox cinematic shots. Don’t put Osmo Action into any electrical appliances; check out Josh’s video at the end of this article to see how he uses props to create these shots safely.
Osmo Action Features and Settings
Now that you’ve found a few items to shoot with, let’s take a peek at all the Osmo Action settings and features you can take advantage of.
Osmo Action is waterproof at depths up to 11 meters, which means you can dive even deeper for creative indoor content. The waterproof seal and hydrophobic coating on the back touch screen make it easy for you to capture unique shots.
Slow Motion
Enable slow motion to capture breathtaking detail at 1080p/240 fps. This is a great feature to emphasize any action in your footage.
Dual Screens
Osmo Action also has vivid dual screens that you can use to create fun selfie footage with perfect framing for your indoor film.
Go one step further with your filmmaking by turning on RockSteady and adding smooth stabilization to any dynamic shots.
A creative timelapse is an excellent way to condense time and motion into an exciting segment for your indoor film. Just select your shooting time, intervals, and hit the record button.
Keep Dewarp on to give you the full sensor when shooting and to remove any fish-eye style shots.
Voice Control
Enjoy life in the director’s seat. Voice control is a great feature for indoor cinematic filmmaking because it gives you control over recording video, capturing pictures, and controlling the device.
Creative filmmaking is all about thinking on your feet. Press the shutter button to turn on Osmo Action and start recording in two seconds.
DJI Mimo
If you haven’t already, download the DJI Mimo app on your smartphone, which gives you an all-in-one solution to edit, view, and share your footage in seconds.